Bara Boardwalk

Gadigal & Dharawal Country / Centennial Parklands, NSW

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Bara Boardwalk

2021 Centennial Parklands, NSW

The Bara Boardwalk connects the Bara Bridge to the extensive cycling and pedestrian network of Centennial Park. The geometry of the boardwalk responds to the dynamism of the ‘bara’ or long-finned eel, as well as providing an effective way of slowing cyclists.

Due to the sensitive nature of the embankment, the boardwalk is elevated on screw piles and then transitions into an on-grade asphalt path with root protection to preserve established trees. The boardwalk features elongated curves, an effective way of slowing cyclists as they leave the bridge and avoiding the use of dangerous obstacles, such as bollards.

Material choices are durable and easy to maintain and match the Bara Bridge – fibreglass reinforced walking mesh, steel screw piles and fibreglass reinforced structure. Timber kerb rail is in spotted gum hardwood ensure minimal disruption to both the paperbark trees and the roosting bats. Durable, hard-wearing and easy to maintain materials were selected. Horizontal surfaces on the balustrades and kerbs were minimised to prevent collection of bat droppings.

Project Team

Sam Crawford, Benjamin Chan


Builder: Christie Civil
Structural Engineer: Lindsay Dynan


Centennial Park & Moore Park Trust